Sunday, 10 February 2008

Life's delicate Balance

What a fantastic weekend, great sunny weather, still and calm, and crisp frosty mornings, just right for putting some mileage into the bank. You know... I was reminded of one of life's fundamental rules this weekend.

"You cannot take out of life more than you put into life"

For life you can substitute, relationships both work and personal, your bank account, your health both physical, mental, spiritual or psychological, and in my particular case my family life and endurance training.
The fact remains, that this rule is a fundamental, and therefore applies to every aspect of life. I'm sure we all have experienced the penalties for non-compliance in the past, if you breach your overdraft, or try to take out more than you have invested in any of these areas, the penalties come into play. Seen in context the penalties can also be viewed as a "gentle reminder" that we are neglecting important aspects of our lifes.

I do tend to become a bit blinkered as events appear on the training horizon, and in the run upto last weekends event, I must admit I had been less than considerate with the Work/Family/Training life balance. Everything was weighted towards work and training, and not enough invested in the Family part of the equation. Subsequently I found myself pushing my luck just a little too far by accepting a last minute invite on Friday for a 10 mile training run with Tom & Phil on Saturday (which would eat into time that I had already committed to my wife!). To cut a long story short, I was already well into overdraft on the "Brownie Points account" and this further withdrawal attempt received a "not so gentle reminder" so I chose to redress the balance of harmony, by doing what I had said I would do in the first place, and I'm glad I did.

Saturday then, saw me close off my low mileage recovery training week with a 13mile walk along the Bingley to Skipton stretch of Leeds-Liverpool canal. Time well invested to help Caz build up her training to speed for her Moonwalk Marathon in may. We chatted as we walked the 13 miles at a brisk 15min/mile pace, and took in the scenery as we caught up on, and put into perspective all that is going on in our family. The cold beer at the end was a great finishing medal.
Sunday, saw another crisp clear morning, and we set off again with the balance restored from yesterday, on a half marathon run round Harrogate to get my training week off to a good start. Caz joined me on the the bike, and we finished in 1:57:15 which is not bad condsidering the first 5 miles are all up hill, and my backpack was weighted to 10lbs as every run I do will now be with pack as I build to the weight I will carry in Namibia.
A great pub lunch followed, and I resolve to keep the balance in check, and not neglect the most important aspect of life, peace and harmony at home.

Off to see my Aussie Physio Terrorist tomorrow night at Castle Clinic in Knaresborogh, as today my hamstrings were still too tight after last weekend, (probably caused by neglecting to stretch proprely) so Juliana, will no doubt also be giving me a "gentle reminder" as she puts her thumbs deep into my pain threshold to work her magic.
She is bloody good though, and I wouldn't have been able to compete in the Marathon des Sables last year if it wasn't for her skill and persistance. "Go easy please Juliana" will only bring a typically Aussie "Yeah Right, you know what they say mate... no pain no gain" response.

It's apparent "you can't take more out of you're hamstrings than you put in", now where have I heard that before..... more later, see you all soon.

1 comment:

Joakim Jonsson said...

Hi Andy,

Just found your blog this morning. I have tried to write a blog too, just to be able to raise some money ahead of Namibia...

Very impressed with you 80 mile race, that must feel good to know that you have made the Namibia distance prior to the race!

I'll add a link from my blog to yours (let me know if you dont want to add it). If you want to link to mine, this is the URL:

Looking forward to meeting you on our way to Namibia!
