Thursday 3 January 2008

Here we go again.....

I once read somewhere "Life is what happens to you whilst you are planning other things"... Well there I was trying to figure out how I was going to fit in a sneaky 10 mile run past my lovely wife during Christmas day... when I slipped on the stairs after taking my daughters prezzies up to her room... end result, a dislocated and open fractured big toe.(I know... runners just don't have pretty feet, and yes I was sober!)
Not the best prezzie I could have wished for myself, 5 weeks away from the
Tring2Town 80 mile, 2 stage Ultra Marathon Weekend that is crucial to my training plan for the Namibian Desert 24hr 80mile Ultra Marathon on 6Th April, but that's life I guess.

The blessing in disguise was that the disrupted nail bed bled like a fountain,(much to the disgust of my "budding paramedic" wife) which fortunately released a lot of the build up in pressure and swelling, so by practicing sound recovery or R.I.C.E, Rest it, Ice it, apply Compression and Elevate it to reduce swelling, I managed to mobilize it and get walking and gentle running again within a week.

So last night saw me doing a gentle 5 miles with the beginners section at Wetherby Runners club, testing the poorly digit, to see if it is up to the 5 mile off road run that is planned for this Sunday, It all went down well in the running club with much shaking of heads and bemused looks from the "serious athletes", but they all think I'm nuts anyway... just as well I've got friends eh?
Anyway... more later my friends as I share my highs and lows of training for the Namibian Desert 24hr Ultra Marathon.

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